Here you'll find the Monero symbol and logo below. You can choose any size that you want, or download the .ai file to mess with the logo yourself. Note that the white background options have a white background under the Monero symbol ONLY, not as a background to the whole image. Lastly, you can download everything on this page in one zip file by clicking here.
The logo of the Monero Research Lab in SVG format.
A quick and easy to read document to know everything about Monero: history, key differentiating factors, technical fundamentals, and features in development.
See Monero Outreach website for more information.
Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
Various graphics and Badges created by TheMonera, for both merchants and simple enthusiasts.